Channeled Message -
Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin: Cancer Healing, 12 Jan 2011
*Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin, has responded to Wendy’s question below on how she can help to heal people suffering from cancer, as well as advice for people with cancer.
Question: Can you give advice on Cancer healing?
Kuan Yin speaks:
"I feel this is a perfect time for me to share with you how to help people with cancer. Listen please, I feel many people will need this advice. Heal people physically is my help. Helpful solutions have more problems. More problem will arise if don’t see the problem well.
Listen to me, how to help Chemo(therapy) patient is this:
First, helping them is a problem because this chemo(therapy) does not help people well. After that, how many successful people can you see? If nobody succeed, have people wonder why healing chemo(therapy) fail? And people sure find other ways for help. Chemo(therapy) helps people but people do not get help from that.
Help will be given to the patient if they are helping themselves well. People with kidney cancer and other cancer will know me. I will be able to help with kidney and other problems. I will not let chemo(therapy) heal patients. This is not wrong, but less help from it. People with cancer have far more problem living now. Feel that people with cancer should have more ownership in ability in healing. They should not hold problem first. They should get answer to their problem first. Answer to their own personal problem. These are the feeling blocks that lock them for cancer. How to feel that there are blocks? First of all, keep a positive mind first. Then leave the problem first. Now be able to view life positively. Finally, how sure help is given? Then feel that energy healing for them, given when they are feeling more sure first.
Energy healing can help them. Healing cancer patient is a problem because they aren’t sure they can be healed. I feel that love is much powerful in healing work. In healing patients, love must be given. Let’s say in Zero Point, patient leave me alone, they feel more peaceful first. I mean live more positively and peacefully helps patients heal faster. And if live more positive way, less problem will occur too.
Have to seek holistic help. They should know what they can try first. First, live more positively, then they will seek for holistic help and get positive help. They can ask for my help also. They can have my help for healing too. Lastly, they must feel helped by these healing. They can’t just seek help without feeling helped. Till the patient need help, then they will seek help.
You (Wendy) can seek help from me, and I will help the patient. I will use you (Wendy) as a channel for that patient. And give healing energy for the patient. Other healing energy (eg: Reiki, Quantum Touch) are from Universe. They can help too. But my energy will be more harmony with the patients. I feel that live positively helps a lot in healing work. I want you (Wendy) to help me to help people with cancer. And cancer patients have help if they want to.
Most importantly, live positively. If these people live positively, they will have positive outcome."
End of channeled message