“Thank you so so much, you have no idea the relief you gave me. Everything uncertain in my life is so clear now. I have never been this at peace ever in my life and I’m filled with nothing but immense love.
Thank you for sharing your gift and wisdom to me. I love you so much."
- S.N (Life Purpose Guidance)*
”Hi Wendy, just wanted to drop a note to express my thanks for the
Chakra Healing yesterday. I felt very much relieved on my chest area as it was previously so tight that I could hardly breathe.
I started using the symbol this morning and the energy flow is amazing.
I'm indeed getting better already. Thank you so much”
- J.C. (Chakra Healing)*
“I was experiencing little to no business for close to two months and losing contracts even from close clients until I saw Wendy for a session to find out the cause. She detected the presence of an "Evil Eye" sprouted by jealousy from an ex-staff and guided me to cut cords with the source of negativity.
Miraculously, new business came in almost immediately the next day, right after we did the clearing session!"
- J. (Channeled Guidance, Chakra Healing)*
“Before I met you, I knew almost nothing about Chakra or energy healing, coming from a family where things must be very rational or scientifically proven. I was fighting against chronic anxiety for years, maybe since my childhood. During the healing session, I felt very conscious of some signals that appeared to me, and after the session, I was exhausted as if all energies were drained out of my body. You told me that it is normal after a healing session as all the negative energies were leaving my body and it takes time for the positive energies to build up. In my case, I was tired for 48 hours after the session, but I had a good night's sleep. I felt much more positive right after the session.
Thank you so much! You are really an amazing healer!
I will recommend you!"
- T.H. (Chakra Healing)*
“After doing chakra balancing with you, I saw some changes in me and I felt different from how I used to be. I started to be more patient and most importantly, forgiving.
I let go of many things that has been disturbing my emotions and I have been more positive. I have also felt this desire to connect with the universe and myself.
Recently I have been very interested with many spiritual topics. I even quit smoking without even planning for it because I was filled with so much positive feelings in me."
- N.J. (Chakra Healing)*
“Just writing in to thank you so much for the past life regression therapy
you did for me last year. I wanted to share that within 2 months I found
the right man for me and am engaged to be married in coming Jan!
Thank you so much for your help."
- D.D. (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
“Dear Wendy,
Thank you so much for today. You are not only very gifted and giving but do so in a way to help others rather than confuse or overwhelm. I was sceptical that too much knowledge would not clarify but complicate — but it is just the opposite. What you shared makes inner sense and is wise. It had a calming effect reinforcing what I have known in other ways. This Knowledge will lead me to be more compassionate with those I know and know well and patient with myself.
I thank you for taking courageous steps to do what your heart calls for and doing it so beautifully."
- N.L. (Past Life Reading)*
“I am surprise to meet Wendy which is not quite like her photo in website but more deligate and elegant in real. She is a very experience therapist. She managed to handle unexpected situation well. When I'm thinking of past life reading or regression, I will recommend Wendy.
The entire process went smoothly. Although there was some unexpected situation in the middle of it, Wendy managed to handle and guide me throughout the entire journey.
Her place is easy to access, just 5-10 mins from MRT station. The environment is clean, comfortable and warm. Overall, this place is private, so you are safe from exposing your secret.
I will visit Wendy again if I facing some other issue related to past life. Thanks Wendy to help me access my Akashic record. It is exactly the answer I'm seeking and it answers all my questions in my heart and lead me to new direction."
- L.Lee (Past Life Regression Therapy, Past Life Reading)*
“Hi Wendy, thank you very much for the past life regression therapy. I would like to let you know that I am very thankful to your kindness and patience to conduct and guide the session beyond the stipulated time.
After the therapy session, I felt tremendous improvement. I observed that I was feeling lighter. My level of concentration and focus is currently at 80%.
I am able to do things faster and process the thoughts and decision with more precision with less procrastination. I do not experience any fear and is able to articulate and express myself better. The right shoulder tension and right back pain are completely gone.
I am able to get back at least 50% of my confidence level and self-esteem. In fact, I am so energetic even though I slept late and is able to work till the next night to catch up on my sleep.
I am able to cope and reduce stress better. There is a reduction of thoughts about people judging or talking about me. I used to be able to hear the voices inside my head very loudly and disturbs me constantly. After the session, the voices are softer, lesser and they do not bother me as much especially in the nights.
My throat and chest tension and constriction were gone for more than a month and in the pink of health.
I am very amazed that the therapy would be able to resolve so much of the body triggers and pain as compared to conventional talk therapy, physical treatment, and examination.
Thank you for doing the work and making a difference. May you be well
and continue to help more people who experienced and suffered from unexplained flashbacks pains etc.
1 or 2 of my colleagues commented that I lost weight too less bloatedness i.e yoyo weight symptoms. I feel more peaceful and find that I am able to let go and relax more too."
- M.K. (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
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“Hi Wendy, hope this email finds you well. I went to you for a past life reading which you access my akashic record around 1.5 years ago. Would just like to thank you and let you know since the reading, I felt a lot more enlightened about why things happened and found a lot of peace in life gradually. Thinking back, it felt like it was meant to be to go to you for a reading without fully understanding what akashic records is all about!
I have no words to express my gratitude to you for being such a great spiritual healer. After the reading, I even went to take up Reiki Level 1 (for my own spiritual journey) and I am looking to continue to Level 2 soon. Life now is peaceful, working hard to be more mindful and to go with the flow of life while trying to fulfil my soul purposes too! Hope we will get to cross path again! Best wishes to you!! :) Thank you so much!"
- Jane (Past Life Reading)*
“Hi Wendy, just want to say that your smoking cessation was absolutely fantastic. I had not smoked since I have last met you."
- R.C. (Hypnotherapy - Smoking Cessation)*
“Hello Wendy, I just like to say a big thank you. After my session yesterday with you, I feel myself feeling a lot less frustrated. Speaking to my Daughter also a lot more calm. Thank you so so much. There is always so much more positive energy after a session with you. I thank God that I got to know you."
- Rachel (Soul Symbol Healing)*
“Really appreciate the healing you have done for me yesterday. Yesterday's session was immense cleansing to purge most of my past lives karma.
I couldn’t describe how I had a tight heart feeling last time.
I even thought I have heart problem when it's negative entity controlling me.
I was shocked to learn that you can see even my heart.
You truly possess gifts to save lives!
You incorporate all the different healing modalities in one session.
It is my good fortune to meet you. I'm well blessed to be healed by you!!!!
You are truly a gem and save my emotional woes.
Could not have thank you more!
I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please continue the good work you have done to save hearts!"
- G.T. (Chakra Healing)*
"Thank you so much for the DNA activation session we had.
I am grateful for it because I have become more intense in my spiritual connection with spirit guides. Even in meditations I have started feeling the vibrations and visions in my head has become stronger.
I also sense more in my body like currents running through me regularly.
My senses are more heightened.
I have done what you told me to say my desire to relearn my gifts of energy shifting from Metatron. I have received some confirmations through additional visions."
- Darvy C. (DNA Activation)*
"Through a Past Life Regression session, Wendy helped me to get rid of a dark entity fragment. Unknown to me, the fragment had stayed and lived through me as a parasite for countless lifetimes. It bred anger and resentment, affecting all my relationships. Immediately after cleansing it away, my heart and body feels ignited with light energy.
My soul feels renewed, like getting cured from a chronic disease.
Suddenly, I feel great joy coming through from deep within.
I believe that it has always been there, but I could never connect to it fully.
The new burst of energy feels amazingly soothing and liberating,
making me feel as if I am getting a second chance at eternity.
I feel free, peaceful and happy.
Truly, I am grateful to Wendy and her guides for this great healing."
- N.P. (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"Finally my conscious awareness aligning with my divine nature… shatters into breakthrough and the old patterns is released.
I am guided so quickly and so fast during the session that I don’t really realised that I have just been guided.
There is a clarity when you brought me to the root cause and all of a sudden I was at the right place and right time, right conversation.
I pay close attention to this connect, reaching to my highest self."
- A.L. (Channeled Guidance)*
"Hi Wendy, my filming in Europe went really great. I think the symbol you gave me is working wonders for me. Just dropping you this message to thank you for giving me such great guidance. :) "
- E.L. (Channeled Guidance, Chakra Healing)*
"I was 'guided' to Wendy by pure chance (as if I was directed) - I had an issue (tightness in the chest/stomach area but it is not a medical issue!)
and I was looking for answers. When I first contacted her for an appointment for energy healing on 29 May through e mail, she was very prompt to reply.
I finally met her on 6 June and I must say I am very impressed with the therapy centre, very conducive, very bright and airy, very peaceful
and very clean.
As for Wendy, I will say she is very kind and very sincere to want to help me. More importantly, Wendy does not indicate that I have to return for a follow up session, she let me decide if I should. And she also follows up with me on the progress.
I recommend to anyone reading my testimonial to give Wendy a try. Go with an open mind and see wonders for yourself.
By the way, for those interested in the Soul Symbol Healing, I also recommend that you go for it. Since getting my own personalized Symbol,
I have printed it on T-shirts and have worn them for my exercises and meditation. Since then, the area (lower chest and upper stomach) covered by my Symbol has been very comfortable and I now have very deep and full breath (I used to have bloated tummy which pushes up to my chest area which causes my chest to be tight).
Thank you."
- Tai Lim (Chakra Healing)*
" Hi Wendy, just want to let you know I am feeling much better today.
Last few days was tough... Still a lot of residual emotions I think.
But since I started connecting with the spirit guides and using the symbol,
I feel so much relief and the emotional pain is gone. Thank you."
- E.C. (Chakra Healing)*
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"I would like to thank you for the advices given to me during the channeling of my Akashic Records session last Wednesday.
I felt much better after being able to express my feelings out, as though I am finally free from what I have been holding on for so long. It was through that session that I was able to find comfort and assurance that I should express it out regardless of the outcome.
Though the outcome may not be what I hoped for, but it beats not having an answer and not expressing my feelings out.
Once again, thank you for your guidance and help."
- J. P. (Channeled Guidance)*
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"Thank you so much for helping me in finding the answers to my questions
I have been searching for.
It's really a great relief and the burden in me is finally offload.
Really appreciate your help in unlocking the answers in me and helping me find the true me."
- Y. H. (Channeled Guidance)*
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"Dear Wendy, I came to you for DNA Activation about a year ago, as part of my personal development journey, but mostly out of curiosity. I just wanted to drop you a short note to thank you, and also to share with you my current state of being.
The effects of the DNA Activation was not immediate to me, although I did felt lighter and more at peace after the session. The channeled advices that I received from my guides was very helpful though, and I pondered over many of the messages for a long period of time, to better understand myself. It was only when I looked back over the past year that I realised that I had been experiencing a gradual shift at all levels - physical, mental and emotional.
I have since learnt reiki for self healing.
I have developed an interest in meditation and trying to
make it a daily habit in helping to reduce stress.
I have became more intuitive and learnt to listen more to my heart
than my mind. And that has led me to find more fulfilment and joy in
doing the things I love, rather than pursuing the endless material wants.
Wendy, thank you again for the wonderful session that has set me on the right path of self realisation."
- Mr. J (DNA Activation)*
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"I used to have bottled-up anger, frustration & negative thoughts with life. And I approached Wendy for a Past Life Regression Therapy to find the root causes for my emotions. Moreover, I always had this dying quest to know more about my previous births.
Much to my amuse, my lower back pain was totally resolved during the past life regression therapy session! Thanks to Wendy's amazing skills, I was also open to connect to my spirit guide and received fruitful guidance. Nevertheless to mention, I had remarkable healing session which I will bring forward with me to view life in a positive and meaningful way.
Kudos to you Wendy, a session with you definitely provided more insight for my spiritual journey this birth."
- H.N. (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
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"Thank you so much Wendy. I will take away the lessons I learnt from today's session for the better of this earth. I feel like you pulled me out of my dream. I'd really like to thank you for tapping into my energy and my spirit guide to bring these messages for me.
All my life, I've struggled with my own identity and my purpose in life. And today you answered everything I needed to hear and more. There was no way I could have done this by myself, and I'm so fortunate that the Universe brought you into my life as I embark on this spiritual journey in life. My heart feels so much lighter after the cleansing and activation. Also, my head is no longer as foggy as before. I know I have a very long way to go, but still I'm very grateful you're the catalyst. To the outsider, the effect you have on your clients might seem subtle. But having experienced your channeling, I feel like I encountered my own divinity.
My life will honestly never be the same now that I know I'm a Lyran Starseed here to bring love and compassion."
- Y.L. (Life Purpose Guidance)*
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"Hi Wendy! Thank you so much for the valuable session just now.
Thank you for your time and precious insight! I don't feel so bothered now. And this means alot to me."
- E. (Channeled Guidance)*
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"After the 'Past Life Reading' session, I finally know what are my strengths and abilities from my past lives. No wonder I always feel drawn to certain things in this life, and can easily excel in these areas.
Thank you Wendy for the advice and I'm now crystal clear on how to proceed for my future career direction."
- M.L. Lee (Past Life Reading)*
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"Thanks Wendy for the invaluable session. I finally know what's my past relationships with certain people in my current life, and now understand why they behave in certain ways to me.
With a clearer understanding, I no longer bear grudges against them and can react better if we clash again in future.""
- J.L. (Past Life Reading)*
"Hi Wendy, would like to say thank you again. My heart is so relax without any pain sensation and I feel better to talk now. Thanks again."
- G.O. (Life Purpose Guidance)*
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"Thank you so much Wendy! That is really a good experience to be able to communicate with my angel and all the guidance that are given.
I feel very much relieved in my heart. God bless you "
- C.N. (Channeled Guidance)*
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"I really appreciate your help. It had helped me gain insight into my relationship and my purpose in life. Now my mind is clear on the path I need to take.
Thank you very much. I am so much more light-hearted now.
You really is God sent."
- Ms Troubled (Channeled Guidance)*
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"After my Past Life Regression therapy session with Wendy, it has definitely helped me open up and have stronger connection with my spirituality and the divine. The healing that bring forth is so remarkable that It brought me deeper sense of inner peace and self esteem. I am feeling joyful and in better control of my life. I am very grateful that I have met Wendy and sincerely wish the same for everyone.
Thank you so much Wendy! With gratitude to you for your skill, professionalism and effectiveness."
- Mel (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
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"Thank you so much for the channeled guidance. It's meant a lot for me.
I was really puzzled by the special feeling I had for my boss. Now I know why. We both had an attachment to each other and had a love for each other, we know it subconsciously. She/He had been guiding me and helping all along in previous life and even in current life. Thank goodness that I have found you for your help. You have helped me to see things in different perspective.
Once again, Wendy, I appreciate your help very much. It help me a lot and change my perspective. A big thank you!"
- L.H. (Channeled Guidance)*
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"Hi Wendy, Thanks for the session yesterday. My mind is definitely a lot 'quieter' now. I don't hear many opinions in my head. After I got back to work, I was surprised that I didn't feel this anger shooting up through me like I usually would when I met this person who antagonizes me at work. I could even concentrate on my work though he was walking around making his usual nasty remarks and trying to annoy me. That was a very nice feeling. I felt calm inside. Not much anger or urge to want to scream at him.
Although I feel that I still get upset more easily than other people but the feelings are not as strong as last time. I could settle down faster. And as mentioned, what I see now is very much brighter than previously. Like you helped me take off my sunglasses."
- M.T. (Removal of Negative Energies)*
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"Hi Wendy, just want to thank you for the past few sessions. It has helped me a lot in obtaining a peace of mind. It has been a long time since I had a clear train of thought. Many thanks!"
- A.X. Goh (Removal of Negative Energies, Finding Soulmate)*
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"I actually came to you for hypnotherapy service but during the session, the negative entities showed up and you directed them to the light. To be honest, back then I was skeptical, but now, I myself had a spiritual awakening and I can channel angels and my spirit guides. So I know now you really helped me.
Thank you for your valuable service. It was divine guidance that led me to you."
- Miss Wong (Hypnotherapy, Removal of Negative Energies)*
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"Thank you for removing the spirit in my body.
I have the memory of the soldier who was killed when I was small. And after you removed it, I don't have regular headaches anymore whenever my period comes."
- T.T. (Removal of Negative Energies)*
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"Thank you Wendy for your help all this while. You've helped me a lot and I appreciate it a lot. I have seen the psychiatrist for 5 yrs and had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I used to feel sad and lonely very often. I have been on sleeping pills for about 1 year.
But now I am able to sleep very well without the pills. I don't feel sad as before anymore. And I RARELY feel lonely but I am still able to cope."
- R.C. (Hypnotherapy - Borderline Personality Disorder)*
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"I just want to let you know that yesterday's session was an eye opening experience for me. For the whole day, I felt more peaceful. Today, I met my friend again and strangely, all throughout, I feel much more calm and at peace. It's not as painful anymore and I am beginning to feel a sense of strength within myself.
And as I begin to appreciate and love myself more, the hurt gets less.
Once again, thank you Wendy."
- C Wee (Past Life Regression Therapy - Relationship Issue)*
"When faced with many challenges one after another, we felt we needed an extra set of hands to heal our wounds. That someone should be kind, understanding, attentive and patient enough to hear our story. We wanted someone to give us a different perspective and have the gift to rejuvenate our souls. When we chanced upon Wendy’s website, we felt she will be the right person. Having met her and undergoing the sessions have healed us from within and helped us to seek answers.
Wendy is an excellent spiritual healer. She will continue to be a friend of ours and we thank her for her healing."
- Mr & Mrs V (Channeled Guidance, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy)*
"I have seen changes after the session. I am feeling calmer and able to listen to my inner self crystal clear than before.
My phobia for knife is also gone. Thanks for the therapy. Will highly recommend for those who want changes in their lives."
- Joer (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"Thank you so much Wendy, you really helped me alot. I went home yesterday and I was not just more relieved and free of burden but i could feel love vibrating from everyone.
It suddenly seem that everything else didn't matter, especially with my husband. I really dont know how to thank you enough because it was the first time in a long time i feel so much more alive.
You are a blessing from god and I hope you continue to do what you do because you are an angel. Thank you again!"
- S.W. (Channeled Guidance & Healing)*
"My anger issue has been solved now. My relationship with my family members and boyfriend have been really good too.
Thank you once again for helping me in resolving my issues."
- D.K (Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy)*
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"I always wanted to know what I was like before this birth. My session not only gave me a chance to look into my past life, it also gave me a chance to identify the others who followed me through. I thank Origins Arising for helping me through."
- Shalini (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"I had a wonderful experience, thank you so much! I see a difference now and I don't feel discomfort when I talk to guys at work anymore."
- C.V. (Past Life Regression Therapy - Uncomfortable with Males)*
"Thank you very much Ms Wendy. It’s my blessing that I did came across your website. My hubby told me that he finds my daughter has improved and is putting effort in her studies.
Last time during exam period, she will be scared and will be stressed over the exams. Now I see she is very enthusiastic and bracing forward without any fear. Her confidence level has gone up. She has finally passed her tests, which she never did for the past 2 years. I am so happy. In fact, her teachers and tutors are seeing difference in her.
After you did the space clearing at my place, I realised my house looked much calmer and serene and there was easiness in me. My hubby too said that he feels different in our house.. some good feeling but I never mentioned to him anything. My elder daughter said she felt the house looked very calm and peaceful now. She is very bright and cheery when she wakes up in the mornings now. I can hear my 2 daughters chirping like birds early in the morning. Last time it was only my 2nd daughter chirping.
My kids are no longer afraid to go to toilet. Furthermore, I have observed that last time when we switched off the lights at night, I myself found it eerie and when we were sleeping, I felt like somebody is watching but when I opened my eyes there wasn’t anyone. But nowadays, I don’t have that feeling and I don't wake up in between sleep."
- S.S. (Removal of Negative Energies, Space Clearing)*
"After the session, I felt and sensed the presence of my own essence only.
I used to have feelings or thoughts that arise out of nowhere. The thoughts may be negative or unusual feelings which do not seem to belong to me .
Initially I do not know there are differences. But after the session, I sensed it. I can sense a total change in me right after the session. I start to feel my true self, and that every thought that arises out of me is my own. Now I am finally living my own free will.
Wendy, the world we are living now needs your healing. I like to thank you as a Bringer of Light. Thank you."
- S.A. (Removal of Negative Energies)*
"I am no longer scared of making mistakes now. I just do whatever I think is correct. And I no longer have headache anymore. Thanks a lot for your help!"
- C.Choong (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"Hi Wendy, I just want to say a big huge THANK YOU to you for all your help & guidance. It meant a lot to me and will no doubt make a significant difference to my life. Bless you.""
- PJay (Channeled Guidance)*
"After the regression, my shoulder aches and neck pain was gone totally. I really don't feel any more strains."
- Cheryl (Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"I suffered from burnout and pessimism after long hours at work. I decided then to take a short break from work. I engaged Origins Arising for Channeled Guidance and Past Life Regression Therapy to enquire the reasons of my short stay in each job and where I would be heading for my next career goal in life.
Ms Wendy helped to seek the advice of the Creator who advised that my lessons are related to my past karma and in order for me to stay long in a job, the Creator further advised that I should learn to handle human relationships in all aspects of my life with transparency, love, empathy and forgiveness. Ms Wendy then assisted me to connect with my spirit guide which advised me the same thing.
After several sessions of Past Life Regression Therapy with Ms Wendy, I realised that I had slowly found myself to be able to connect with tough people in situations and win their trust and understanding. I see my personal life improving with closer ties with my family.
Deep in my heart, I feel very light and joyful. I am very confident that I would be able to handle any tough situations that come in the future and reap rewarding experience from there."
- LY Lim. (Channeled Guidance, Past Life Regression Therapy)*
"It was a very touching moment to know that I have a guide Filies who has been looking after me so well. Hearing from him for first time was such an amazing experience which has left me astonished till now.
Up to this point in my life before I received my guidance from him through Wendy, I knew in my subconscious how I was feeling and what I was seeking. However, it was always unclear and “lost” to me. I was not confident of my own's subconscious feelings about myself at all. Due to my hesitations, my true sense of directions became lost over time and I became less and less conscious of my mission in life as I fall into hectic daily routines and into emptiness.
I notice an incredible shift of consciousness about myself after receiving Filies through Wendy. I had to rush to be alone to reflect immediately upon the channeled message after receiving because I know that it's life changing! I felt that my direction has never been so clear in my life and I am so aware of what I have to do from now on to find bliss. The energy to reflect was just so strong.
If I have to use two words to describe my feelings then it would have to be surprise yet familiar. Surprise because Filies is able to speak so freely about my soul completely and familiar because his words are indeed a mirror of my very soul and my deeply innate feelings! No one could have described my buried soul so accurately, not even myself. My channeled experience with Filies has deeply stirred my soul and reintroduced me to myself all over again. It is a second rebirth for me and I am sure I will be finding my way to bliss very soon…because I am confident of being guided towards the love for humanity."
- Dean Y. (Channeled Guidance)*
"I had my first session with Wendy for "Removal of Past Life Vows". I feel what Wendy had channeled somehow does explain my then 'predicament', and I asked to had my past live vows removed.
Shortly after, I engaged Origin Arising’s services again and Wendy had my chakra reactivated and taught me how to connect to my own spiritual guide myself.
In the aftermath of all, I felt revitalized as a whole and will not hestitate to speak up when it's needed and I feel more outright in doing this; not being indecisive. Most importantly, I feel that I became sharper in mind and feel more confident of myself."
- Alec (Removal of Past Life Vows, Channeled Guidance)*
"My business improved tremendously after I engaged Origins Arising for its Space Clearing Services. The businesses that I got within 2 months was more than what I had for the previous 6 months prior to the space clearing!
My business has always been good but late last year, things changed all of a sudden. Business dropped and staff became unhappy and left one after another. It was few months later that I remembered that we had left a bag of hell-notes in the office after the hungry ghost festival, and business seemed to dip from then onwards.
I first approached Origins Arising for Channeling and after the session,
Ms Wendy confirmed that the negative energies brought about by the hell-notes was affecting my business and my staff.
With channeled guidance from the Creator, we got rid of the negative source, then cleared the office of negative energies and my business is now doing even better than before!"
- M.L. (Space Clearing, Channeled Guidance)*
"I was suffering from very bad dizzy spells due to viral infections (as diagnosed by a clinical doctor). Even after a week of rest and medication, the motion sickness-like symptoms continued.
Worried about why I was not able to recover, I approached Ms Wendy for energy healing and channeling, to find out the root cause. During the session, Wendy channeled Creator and received instructions to guide me on how to use the energy from my own thoughts to rebalance the giddiness in my head.
Miraculously, after the 1 hour session ended, the feeling of giddiness left immediately and I have since recovered fully."
- Lee (Energy Healing, Channeled Guidance)*
"Wendy gave me one of my most wonderful experience in my life. Which is a never before, first time conversation with my beloved spirit guide by channeling.
Even though it was my first time observing a live channeling, I can tell that Wendy is very skilled in this expertise as she can channel as well as come back as herself alternating between entity with ease as she restate and to confirm what my guide has said.
During the channeling, I can't help but sense her passion and dedication to what she does. Even though after the session had ended, thoughts came to me that perhaps she truly is an Angel in human form. I am very grateful to your channeling Wendy. Thank you!"
- Wai Keat (Channeled Guidance)*
"My experience with hypnotherapy and Origins Arising has been very pleasant and to be perfectly honest, life changing. Let me explain - prior to attending only two sessions at Origins Arising, I had been affected by strong anxiety attacks and also sleep deprivation due to fear of my heart stopping whilst in bed at night.
I went to Origins Arising with an open mind, which is a must - the first step to healing is accepting you have a problem and be willing to let people help!
My first session was so relaxing I did not want to leave. I felt in control but willing to let this perfect stranger know all my inner thoughts and ask questions that would reveal elements of my past that needed to be linked or severed.
The second session was more in depth, to establish why I was so worried about my heart stopping at night. At the end of this session, I left the pleasant session and felt like I was walking on water, so happy and cheerful.
As previously stated, you have to admit the need for help. Origins Arising also provided me with exercises for breathing and a kind of aid to empty my mind. These techniques also helped me with my training for marathons etc and I found immediate positive effects.
There is nothing else I can say apart that it was painless and it worked for me! Thank you Ms Wendy."
- William (Hypnotherapy - Panic Attack)*
"For over 20 years, turning nauseous prior to any important events has became 'normal' to me. Be it prior to a presentation, undergoing a job interview, meeting someone for the first time, or facing important tests and exams. Sometimes, I got too nauseous that I really vomitted. And it was then that I discovered that vomitting helped me to 'curb' my nervousness.
From then onwards, I will make sure I vomit before any major presentation, so as to help get the nervousness out of my system. I am holding a senior management position and is required to do presentations and attend important meetings all the time. The vomitting soon became a habitual practice.
It was only after meeting Wendy from Origins Arising and understanding how hypnotherapy can aid one in successfully overcoming phobias, that I finally realised that what I have is a psychological problem that can be overcome. When Wendy checked back with me weeks after my first session with her, I realised that I had not felt nauseous ever since then!
I am now fully convinced of how hypnotherapy can help to overcome deep rooted problems, and I am currently seeking help from Origins Arising to help overcome my other phobias and bad habits."
- J (Hypnotherapy - Self Confidence, Stage Fright)*
* Individual results may vary.