Channeled Message -
Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin: Haiti Earthquake Disaster, 22 Jan 2010
*Note: Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin, has responded to our question below on the Haiti Earthquake Disaster on 12 Jan 2010, with the following channeled message for all. She is also giving you a loving gift of energy (Light of Love) in her message:
Question: Do you have any message on the recent earthquake in Haiti?
Kuan Yin speaks:
"It is a bad year ahead for this to happen. It is this lifetime that the Earth has come to some form of cleansing. I would see at this point in Earth, a lot of people have faced uncertainty. It is this time of Earth, beings have become more fulfilling. Indeed, you fulfill what this lifetime means to you.
I have seen this point of Earth, life has come to a new form. It is a moment to come forward to feel the Earth. I would not be able to say whether this lifetime, the Earth will be able to form a new form. Yes, I will be here to see Earth as an old form. You and me would not be able to fulfill what the Earth means in 2010. And it is this time in Earth that I need to feel for you. It is this time in Earth that Earth needs old 梳洗 (cleansing). It is this life that people know what they are here for. It is the end for this feeling in it. You fulfill what I say and you will know what I mean in this life. It is this time on Earth that me and everyone would go through. Since ancient times, I have seen beings here going through karma action. It is here that beings are here to fulfill their karma. It is this that beings chose to be in this place (Haiti) in this life to fulfill their “happiness”. Because they have to go through this life, that they will learn their lessons. Lessons in terms of loved ones that they have for them. It is not a bad thing for them. As I said, it is their loved ones. They are here to learn.
It is this time that everybody would not feel everything right. It is important now to fulfill your own mental ability in this lifetime. Incarnation is a form to fulfill your own fulfillment. In life, everybody will be given a choice. It is a freewill form of lifetime. You will have to have your own fulfillment in life.
It is an ancient kind of thinking that you have seen me as an antique person. It is a very, very, very and very serious problem now. Fewer and fewer persons know what I am here for. I am here as a guide to help everybody to fulfill their own selves. I would not be able to help everyone if they do not believe in the fulfillment part of their lives.
Yes, I have seen things that have happened. In life, many happenings are man-made things. It is this time of Earth that has to come, Truth of things. I would not be able to see everybody be able to see answers to themselves. It is not an answer to fulfill what I say, but an answer to yourself. I will be here as a very caring being fulfilling mankind’s view.
You would not know what I am saying yet and you would not know the answer yet. See it and you would know yourself. I am here to tell you the Truth of beings. I will not be able to fulfill everyone’s wish yet as beings are not able persons yet to fulfill their wish.
I need to see you now as a person living in Light of Love. It is this ultimate love that you would need to fulfill. In very and very long time ago, I have seen this life as a better life. But things have changed. It is because of this, I would need you to fulfill your own messages. And it is the Light of Love.
It is the Light of Love that has been around for many and many years. Through me and other Masters, I would want you to feel this Light of Love. Yes, it is another Light of Love for you. Feel it now from me. I am now about to begin:
See it now with me.
I am now with you.
Enable yourself to open up to the Earth.
See it in the Light of Love.
Sense this Light of Love from you.
I would now able to fill you with love.
Sit still and see this Light coming from your heart.
I have been able to feel the Light with you now.
Hang on to this Light and say “ah………” and see this light emerging you.
I have now given you the Light of Love.
Make the sound of “see………”
I have finished the meditation."
End of channeled message