Channeled Message -
Lord Shiva: Freedom, 9 Nov 2012
*Note: I (Wendy)
have been guided by the Creator/Source/God to channel
Lord Shiva
deliver a message on "Freedom", particularly from pain . Lord Shiva has gladly shared the below message on "Freedom".
Lord Shiva speaks:
"Freedom from fear, lust, anger, greed, hatred, love, joy. All these are freedom for you to experience.
I can see more people are finding joy as a way to give hope for themselves. They just don’t want anger, fear, hatred to be experienced. But to them, they have these experiences for all the reasons they have.

No one is depleted of choices. No one is to be lacked. No one is forced to do, feel or choose anything not wanting to choose. Because it is your own freedom. Nobody should say being chosen to do something or feel something out of no choice. Patience you may need some times too. To forgive or to let go. No one is depleted of love. It is your choice to feel it. Nobody can make you do or feel or choose something you do not want to. It is your choice. Do not put blame on others. Feel for your own self. I love you as you are loved too. Feel it yourself if you want to feel it.
Positive thinking is the key to ascension too. Positive thoughts and energy are required to manifest what you want. Not a choice, but a want. Now do not fear. For fear is also a choice you choose to feel.
Nobody can take the pain from you if you do not want to let go. If you choose to keep it, it will be there. For start till now, so many sorrows mankind has kept. And nobody knows why it is kept for. Positive thoughts about it will tell you the answer that it makes no sense to keep it. To sum up, it is enjoyment and releasement.
In today’s society, more and more hurt are given to people in expense for exchange of wants or needs. This is not about greed only, but about feeling of pain. So much pain is trapped in return. Try to instil peace within yourself.
I am Lord Shiva, may the light shine on you.”
End of channeled message